Enchanting Puri Saraswati

Discover the magic of Puri Saraswati Dijiwa Ubud with our exclusive room offer, “Enchanting Puri Saraswati”, crafted to enchant and enhance your stay! Immerse yourself in the captivating essence of Ubud with a delightful minimum 3-night retreat, filled with special privileges:


  • Indulge in culinary delights with a tempting 10% discount on dining experiences at The Café Lotus (excluding alcoholic beverages), offering a delectable culinary journey.
  • Rejuvenate your body and soul with a complimentary 30-minute massage, a blissful escape amidst Ubud’s natural beauty.
  • Immerse yourself in the cultural richness of Bali with a captivating Balinese Dance Performance, a vibrant celebration of tradition and art.
  • Explore the wonders of Ubud with complimentary entrance fees to the iconic Ubud Water Palace, where history and beauty converge.


Book your escape now until December 31, 2024, and let the enchantment of Ubud linger until December 31, 2025.


Embrace the allure of Puri Saraswati, where comfort, culture, and savings unite to create unforgettable memories.


For booking inquiries and more information, click here or contact us on WhatsApp: +62 812-3948-1130 and email: reservation at rsv.purisaraswati@dijiwasanctuaries.com

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