Awaken the Dignity of Art
Art Xchange Gallery (AXG) was founded by Benny Oentoro B.A, who started his artistic journey in 2009 in Surabaya, East Java. In 2011, AXG moved to Singapore with the aim of giving its artists greater exposure in new markets.
In 2018, AXG established a gallery in Jakarta with the purpose of introducing Indonesian artists locally and internationally. After more than ten years of establishing galleries in Surabaya, Singapore and Jakarta, The Art Xchange Gallery has finally decided to open a new gallery on the island of the Gods, Bali.
The Art Xchange Gallery in collaboration with Kopi Bali House in Sanur. Together, they transform this beautiful amazing space, evoking and infusing new life into this 18-year-old building, and their vision and mission is to provide opportunities for young artists to showcase their talents to the world.

Resurrection | 2022
Airbrush paint on canvas
120 cm x 100 cm
Resurrection’s fine art exhibition at the Art Xchange Gallery (AXG), departs from the realization that art in the era of “democratization of art” is now like facing a double-edged sword.
Benny once said “Art these days seems to be dead. The culture of consumerism has shut down the fine art market. People no longer value fine art in the way it used to be. Artists no longer create art for the sake of art itself. Instead, they mass produce art and create art for money. The importance of creating art no longer lies in the quality or soul of the artwork, but lies in its liquidity.”

Galleries have a strategic role and, at the same time, great responsibilities that go beyond their function as commercial institutions. Galleries give value to art. It hasn’t only traded art, but also planted and cultivated an appreciation of art as an expression of the heights of human nature.
“Resurrection” brings the spirit of AXG to awaken the dignity of art.
They believe it is time to restore the fine art market as it once was. Art opens our hearts and fills our minds. This exhibition wants to affirm AXG’s vision as an institution that intends to arouse the dignity of art by promoting appreciation of fine art as a high-value cultural achievement, not an expensive or luxury goods.

Keep Moving | 2022
Acrylic paint on canvas
120 cm x 100 cm
The theme of this art exhibition is “RESURRECTION” and is curated by Arif Bagus Prasetyo featuring 27 artists from home and abroad, including Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Bali to Malaysia and Macedonia.
The artist is Ana, Andi Prayitno, Ang Che Che, Anis Kurniasih, Antoe Budiono, Ben Wong, Budi Asih, Burhanudin Reihan Afnan, Cadio Tarompo, Camelia Mitasari Hasibuan, Chairol Imam, Citra Pratiwi, Dedi Imawan, Dona Prawita Arissuta, Hendra Purnama, I Made Gunawan, I Made Santika Putra, I Putu Adi, I Wayan Legianta, Jemana Bayubrata Murti, Johnny Gustaf, Lim Tong Xin, M. Aidi Yupri, Ni Nyoman Sani, Sinisha Kashawelski, Wahyu Nugroho, dan Wisnu Ajitama.

Wild Dog Rescue Angel | 2021
Acrylic paint on canvas
145 cm x 170 cm
The works displayed are works of sculpture, installation and painting. The paintings in this exhibition include abstract, naïve, realistic, surreal, and hyperrealist styles.
The Resurrection exhibition marks the rise of AXG in its new space in Bali. The space is to continue his cultural work in providing “a window to the soul, a place of passion meets creativity”.
For visit & more information:
Art Xchange Gallery
Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4, Sanur Kauh, Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80221
Phone: 081958989889
cover image: Hendra Purnama
Hirosima Unpluggeo | 2021
Cat Akrilik di atas Kanvas
145 cm x 170 cm